File a Concern Regarding Physical Accommodations

The Division of Human Resource Management's Equal Employment Opportunity Office (EEO) coordinates the State's various ADA programs and resources, ensuring employees and citizens are referred to the right person. ADA is considered to be the first lawful affirmation for equal treatment of Americans with mental and physical disabilities, the ADA prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, government services, public accommodations, commercial facilities, education and other areas of society.

Citizens with concerns regarding ADA issues related to government services, public accommodations, commercial facilities, and other areas can find various resources through the Department of Transportation or the Department of Administration's Public Works Division. Citizens who would like to file a Concern can do so by following the Department of Transportation or Public Works Division links or by submitting our online form and the EEO office will forward your Concerns to the proper Agency for review.

Employees with concerns regarding ADA issues should contact their Agency Human Resource or Personnel representative, or can file a Concerns online through NEATS, or by completing the Sex-or Gender-Based Harassment, Sexual Harassment or Discrimination Concern form and forwarding the document to our office. Harassment or Discrimination Concern form.

You must click the Submit button at the bottom to record your concerns. All concerns will be reviewed, recorded and then forwarded to the organization, institution or the business the concern is against.

For information on the State of Nevada ADA Compliance please contact:

EEO Office - 100 North Stewart Street, Suite 200 Carson City, NV 89701 Phone: (775)-684-0104

Your Contact Information


Who is being discriminated against?


Name and address of organization or business conducting the discrimination


Information about the incident

Has efforts been made to resolve this concern through the internal grievance procedures of the government, organization institution or business? *
Has the concern been filed with any other Federal, State, or local civil rights agency or courts? *
Please let us know how you liked our process